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Pre-Order Farmers Market

Dear Customers: The Hopkinton and Ashland Farmers Markets have implemented a strict “food only” vendor policy this year to help with Covid-19 safety procedures. All non-food vendors, like us, have the option to participate virtually with the farmers markets by switching to an online pre-order system with local pickup. Order online and pickup Saturdays, starting June 13, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and continuing every Saturday through September 12.


Please note that many of our products are also available year-round at local retail locations


I ask for your patience as we navigate this new system. Upon placing an online order, you agree to follow these safety procedures while on our property:

  • Arrive between 9 a.m. and noon on the Saturday after order is placed. You will receive an email confirmation with additional instructions.

  • Enter the circular driveway clockwise and stop in front of the yellow tent.

  • If there is a car ahead of you, wait patiently for that car to leave, so you can pull forward. Only one person should be at the tent at a time.

  • Wear a mask upon exiting your car and only touch your order, which will be clearly labeled with your name.

  • No tours or extended visits to the farm will be available this year. 

  • If you are sick or under quarantine, please stay home! Feel free to send us an email at so we can make other delivery arrangements.

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